04. Challenge 1 Solution

Here's my solution:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
  std::cout << "no more steering wheels" << std::endl;
  return 0;

std refers to namespace std and the << operator passes sequences of characters to stdout. In fact, two sequences of characters get passed to stdout: "no more steering wheels" and std::endl , a newline character ( std::endl also flushes the buffer).

You may be used to adding a using namespace std line after your include statements - however, under the Google C++ style guide , you should not utilize using-directives to make all names from a namespace available. You could instead use using std::cout; and using std::endl; near the top so that you do not have to re-write std:: before each instance of these - it does not make much of a difference here, but could be more helpful when you use them multiple times!

It's worth noting that "no more steering wheels" is not a string like a Python string, rather it's a char [] - a sequence of characters.

Time for another! Let's control some flow.